Version [v.0.0.6-demo] out now!

[ver.0.0.6-demo] – 30/08/2023


    - This new patch is focused on difficulty balancing and UI ease of use:

        . I’ve been experimenting with improving the game interfaces for Steam Deck users and any players looking to play the game with smaller screen resolutions, this patch includes scaling improvements for all the UI interfaces, font changes and other general enhancements like background blur effects on the pause menu, etc.

New Features:

    - Added an interaction visual effect to improve player feedback when examining items, the item will now display a blue glow when it is being inspected from the right angle.

Crash Fixes:


Bug Fixes:

    - Fixed a bug that allowed players to save the game in unintended locations (previous patch bug)

    - Placed angle limits on some cameras to stop them from going out of focus.

    - Improved the LOD distance configuration to some assets that were switching to their optimized shader configuration at too close of a distance.


    - Renamed all difficulty modes to better represent how difficult they are to complete on average.

        . ‘Novice’ has been renamed to ‘normal’

        . ‘normal’ → ‘hard’

        . ‘hard’ → ‘nightmare’

        . ‘hardcore’ → ‘king of shades’

    - Added new extra close-up camera shots that showcase some of the items most players are having trouble finding or the current camera is just too far away to properly discern them from the background.

    - Modified the textures for the windows in the main level to obfuscate to an extent what the player can see on the other side.

    - Added an extra ammunition stack that can be found on the map for ‘normal’ & ‘hard’ combat difficulties, this is a temporary work-around until melee weapons are implemented and added into the game.

Known Issues:



THE KING IN THE SHADES - Windows Demo. 728 MB
Version 0.0.6-demo Aug 31, 2023
Version 0.0.6-demo Aug 31, 2023

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