Version [v.0.0.5-demo] out now!

[ver.0.0.5-demo] – 18/08/2023


    - I hope you’ve enjoyed what the demo brings thus far!

I’ve been working on a patch to solve some of the minor grievances I’ve seen players have with the game so far, below you will find the patch notes organized based on category.

    - All new demo related versions moving forward will end with ‘-demo’ at the end of the version number.

New Features:

Crash Fixes:

Bug Fixes:

    - Fixed an issue where UI sounds would not execute when navigating the difficulty selection screen.

    - Fixed an issue that caused navigation UI sounds to overlap with other UI sounds sometimes.

    - Removed the ‘combine’ button from the ammo inventory slots as it currently serves no purpose since the ammo automatically stacks with each other and it led to some players thinking they could reload weapons with using this method.

    - For consistency between all ‘key items’, the ‘discard’ button has been removed while the item remains of use for the player; once its use has been fulfilled the discard button will appear and a small icon will show up to notify the player of this change.

    - Fixed two typos in the Spanish localization.

    - Enabled the ability to modify the resolution while in ‘Full-screen’ mode.

    - The ‘Main Menu’ button in the pause screen now requires user input confirmation.


    - If a certain criteria has been met, the player will now spawn in a different location upon death in ‘novice’ and ‘normal’ combat difficulties.

    - To improve player feedback one of the puzzle objects in the game now displays a text message declaring if the player is not yet ready to engage with the puzzle.

    - Douglas will now look at many more objects of interest which the player can interact with.

    - Improved the conditions for the spawning of one of the enemies in the main level.

    - Added extra loading screen tips.

    - Changed the interaction button description for one of the items from ‘Use’ to ‘Save game’, saving the game has too small a role in this demo to bother the players with figuring out the item’s purpose in the game.

Known Issues:

    - For some players in the windows version of the game the main menu background video doesn’t play correctly, usually the issue fixes itself the next time the player loads the main menu.

I’ll be looking into this issue as soon as I can.


THE KING IN THE SHADES - Windows Demo. 728 MB
Version 0.0.5-demo Aug 20, 2023
Version 0.0.5-demo Aug 20, 2023

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